Want to see the iBanFirst platform in action?
Regain control of your exposure to currency fluctuations by identifying which currency risk management tools suit your needs best. Fill in the form below to find out more.
Protect your sales margins
Limit the impact of unfavourable market movements on your sales margins
Improve the accuracy of your budget forecasts
Anticipate your cash flows more effectively and gain visibility and efficiency when planning your budgets
Get better exchange rates
Potentially benefit from more favourable conditions and seize market opportunities
Answer the questions below to find out which deliverable forward contracts suit your needs and goals best.
Technology Fast 50
Winner Fintech
1000 Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies
Payments Tech of the Year
iBanFirst S.A. is duly authorised and regulated by the National Bank of Belgium (under CBE number 0849.872.824) as a payment institution. It is a direct member of the SWIFT network and is certified to make payments throughout the SEPA zone. As a payment institution, iBanFirst S.A. only offers hedging solutions (forward, flexible forward and dynamic forward) connected to underlying payment transactions. iBanFirst S.A. does not offer options or any other financial instruments for investment or speculative purposes.